Core Commitments

Gospel-centered. The gospel, the good news about what God has done for us in and through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, is at the center of who we are as a church. It is through the gospel that we are connected to God, and therefore connected to one another, and connected to the larger community and world around us.

Grace-filled Community. Anne Lamott once said, “I do not understand the mystery of grace, only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.” We desire to be a place where anyone can explore the great truths of the gospel without feeling judged, forgotten, or awkward. We want everyone to be challenged to move forward in their trust in Christ, yet we want to be a safe place where everyone is valued and respected no matter where they are in their relationship with God.

Multigenerational Congregation. We believe that each generation has something to offer to and something to learn from every other generation. When the church has an imbalance of generations represented everyone suffers. Therefore, we value the struggle of becoming multigenerational.

Intentional Community. We believe that to become the community that the Bible teaches us to be, we must go beyond surface relationships to deliberately entering into each other’s lives. Ultimately this means becoming more and more vulnerable and accountable to one another knowing that God primarily uses the people around us to shape and form us as disciples of Christ.

Every member a minister. We believe that every follower of Jesus is a minister with a ministry. Ministry is using gifts to meet needs, whatever those gifts are and whatever those needs might be. We desire to be a place that helps enable our members to both discern and use their gifts as ministers in God’s world.

Selfless Service. We believe that because the gospel is about a man who gave up his life for the sake of others, one of our primary responses is to sacrifice for the sake of others in this community. We believe God put First Presbyterian Church in Aberdeen chiefly to serve Grays Harbor but also to participate in God’s mission around the world.