Worship times and schedule
Sunday worship is central to who we are as a church. It is the time when the whole church community gathers together to worship God. And as such our worship is God-centered. That is, we believe God alone is worthy of praise and honor and glory and so we gather on Sundays together to sing, to pray, to hear God’s amazing work in history, the good news of the gospel, and to experience God’s amazing work in our lives today.
We have one worship service at 10am. Nursery care is provided for ages infant-5, and Sunday school for pre-school thru 6th grade will be during the service. K-6th graders will begin in the sanctuary and then dismissed to class before the sermon.
What to Expect
Coming to something new, like a church worship service, can be a bit threatening, so here is what you can expect on Sunday mornings.
We believe that the worship service itself is formational in our lives and so even the order of our worship service, traditionally called “Liturgy,” is intended to be a microcosm of the Christian life, and an acting out of the gospel. Our desire is to remain deeply connected to the rich and beautiful tradition of the past 2000 years of Christianity, to learn from those who have gone before us, but at the same time we hope to connect that deep tradition to the contemporary culture we find ourselves in. Therefore, we sing songs and hymns, both ancient and modern, we have times of prayer, times of silence and reflection, we celebrate the sacraments of Baptism and Communion (also called the Eucharist or the Lord’s Supper) and central to our services is the reading of Scripture and a Sermon that connects the Bible to our everyday life. Our choir sings most weeks during the school year, there are often messages for children, and we have talented instrumentalists who join with our music directors to lead the congregation in song.
Our most famous Confession of Faith begins with the question, “What is the chief end (or purpose) of all human beings?” And the answer given is that the chief purpose of all human beings is to “glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” We desire that our worship services on Sundays do both – allow us to glorify God and to enjoy Him both now and forever.